(June 21, 2021): Right after the news broke out last week that Pakistani screenwriters have formed their own association, SWAP is getting many congratulatory messages, most notably of them comes from our neighbouring country India.

The Screenwriters Association India (SWA) sent a message of solidarty and best wishes to all Pakistani screenwriters on the formation of Screenwriters Association of Pakistan (SWAP).

SWAP President Vasay Chaudhry received this congratulatory email from SWA General Secretary Zaman Habib, who said: “I write to you on behalf of the Executive Committee and all the members of the Screenwriters Association in India. We cannot tell you how excited all of us are with the news that Pakistani screenwriters have now formally come together to form a guild for themselves. Being screenwriters, we are allowed cliches, so permit me to say that this was indeed an idea whose time had come. And, as we all know, that there’s nothing so powerful as that. So, congratulations!”

“Being screenwriters, we are allowed cliches, so permit me to say that this was indeed an idea whose time had come. And, as we all know, that there’s nothing so powerful as that. So, congratulations!”

Zaman Habib, General Secretary, SWA India

Zaman Habib added: “SWA India extends its warm solidarity to SWAP and looks forward to vigorous interactions, collaborations and joint solidarity initiatives. For now, if there is any way in which we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly. Do accept our congratulations again.”
SWA is 60 years senior to SWAP, as it was formed in 1960. Their message of solidarity and support is encouraging for SWAP.

Earlier, Anjum Rajabali, a veteran Indian screenwriter and SWA member, had also established contact with SWAP through veteran Pakistani producer Rashid Khwaja, and congratulated all Pakistani screenwriters for forming SWAP.

Anjum Rajabali, Veteran Screenwriter & Member, SWA India